Introducing our video platform (CMP)
A better way to monetize video content
Our publishing software, Content Marketplace Platform (CMP), introduces a new way to create low cost, paid video channels.
It's especially suited to building profitable channels from good, but hard to monetize, videos.
Collections of news, instructional, and special interest videos are examples of the kind of valuable content
that publishers have found notoriously difficult to turn into profitable businesses - before CMP.
What makes Content Marketplace Platform (CMP) unique?
Publishing platform for creating paid subscription video channels.
Makes streaming news, instructional, and special interest videos profitable.
Publishers can combine independently-owned videos into well-edited channels, inexpensive to build, run and market.
Financial service for paying content providers, editors, and affiliates based on actual subscriber usage.
How subscription revenues are divided
1) Fixed payments taken out at the time a subscription is purchased.
2) Remainder goes into compensation pool to be divided daily based on usage (relative viewing times).
First video channel launched
Tai Chi and Martial Arts Videos
Proof-of-concept channel for sports instruction and competition
Subscribers pay $39.95 per year to stream everything on the channel.
Content from a dozen experts, including full DVDs and exclusive videos from private collections
A dozen affiliates with links on their web sites
Facebook page
Content Galaxy has built a better mousetrap
Incorporating content of independent providers
Encouraging and supporting affiliate web sites
Metering and reporting on subscriber usage
Subscription expiration and renewals
Payment processing
Preparing and streaming video to different devices at varying network speeds
Securing content and subscriber data
Successful content aggregation through a transparent service, not easily gamed, that appears fair to all participants .